
Photoshop wonders (or disasters)

A Photoshop néha csodákat tud művelni egy címlapfotóval. De ez nem mindig sikerül maradéktalanul. Open Wings English online article.

Have you ever wondered how it is possible that all the stars and models in the magazines look so perfect? In most cases the answer is Photoshop. It can do miracles to any type of images but it can result in funny and even scary pictures too.


If you are a movie star you don't have to go to gym to have a nice six pack. It is enough to copy it from another person, who really has.



photoshop lesson six pack


And if you are a model you don't have to go on a diet to lose weight.


photoshop lesson thin model


And there are very exclusive and expensive hotels where they offer you double sunsets and sunrises.


photoshop lesson sun


And if you are Penelope Cruz beware because Photoshop has many side effect such as extended arms.


photoshop lesson penelope cruz


And finally if you haven't seen the film Jaws you can check it on some magazine covers.


photoshop lesson jaws


So are some Photoshop designers really as bad as this? Or is it just a marketing strategy to emphasise their work? It is up to you to decide.



miracle - csoda
result in- eredményez
six pack - kidolgozott hasizom
beware - óvakodni
side effect - mellékhatás
Jaws - állkapocs (film cím: A cápa)
emphasise - hansúlyoz