Dinner Guests Szövegértés
Dinner guests
Match the countries with the descriptions.
China, Britain, India, Egypt
What to do as a dinner guest?
Always …
Bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine as a gift. Use a knife and fork to eat your food. Eat soup with a spoon. Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Put your knife and fork together when you finish eating.
Never …
Talk with your mouth full. Blow your nose on your napkin.
Always …
Bring a gift of cakes or chocolates. Take off your shoes at the front door. Eat with your right hand. Have a second helping. When you finish eating, leave a bit of food on your plate.
Never …
Bring alcohol or flowers as a gift. Put salt on your food.
Always …
Wrap gifts in red or gold paper. Eat a bit of all the food on the table. Drink your soup from the bowl, don’t use a spoon. Make noises when you eat your food – it’s OK to burp, slurp and talk with your mouth full! Leave some food on your plate when you finish eating.
Never …
Give flowers, clocks or four of anything as a gift. Wrap your gift in white paper. Leave your chopsticks in your rice. Point the teapot spout at anybody.
Always …
Arrive 15–30 minutes late for dinner. Bring a gift of roses or chocolates for the host. Eat with your right hand. Leave some food on your plate when you finish eating. Bring your own friends to someone else’s party.
Never …
Wrap your gifts in black or white paper. Give meat as a gift because a lot of people are vegetarians.
Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
1 In three of the countries you eat with your right hand.
2 In all of the countries you bring a gift for your host.
3 In three of the countries you leave a bit of food on your plate.
4 In Britain it is OK to talk with your mouth full.
5 In China it is OK to make a lot of noise when you eat.
6 Flowers are a good gift for your host in Egypt.
7 In India you can invite your friends to someone else’s party.
8 People in Britain don’t say please and thank you.