Simpsons quotes - Simpson család idézetek
Homer: When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power…like God must feel when he’s holding a gun.
surge - áramlás
Barney: Jesus must be spinning in his grave!
spinning in his grave - forog a sírjában
Milhouse: I can’t go to juvie. They use guys like me as currency.
juvie - fiatalkorúak börtöne
Homer: Lisa, vampires are make-believe, like elves, gremlins, and Eskimos.
make-believe - kitaláció
elf - tündér
gremlin - manó
Homer: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it’s not whether you win or lose: it’s how drunk you get.
drunk - részeg
Homer: Beer. Now there’s a temporary solution.
temporary - átmeneti
Nelson: Shoplifting is a victimless crime. Like punching someone in the dark.
victimless - áldozat nélküli
shoplifting - bolti lopás
Homer: Oh, I’m in no condition to drive. Wait a minute. I don’t have to listen to myself. I’m drunk.
condition - állapot
- Barney: Jesus must be spinning in his grave!