House M.D. quotes - idézetek
House: "We treat it. If she[he] gets better we know that we're right."
treat - kezelni
House: "I was never that great at math, but next to nothing is higher than nothing, right?"
next to nothing - szinte semmi
House: "Men are pigs. [They will] pretty much have sex with anyone, fat, skinny, married, single, complete strangers, relatives."
skinny - sovány
complete stranger - vadidegen
House: "Everybody lies."
House: " the philosopher Jagger once said, 'You can't always get what you
philosopher - filozófus
Foreman: "Isn't treating patients why we became doctors?"
House: "No, treating illnesses is why we became doctors. Treating patients is what makes most doctors miserable."
treat - kezelni
miserable - nyomorult, szánalmas