Romance quiz

How romantic are you?

1. Your partner suggests doing something special one evening. Which do you pre fer?

a. Staying at home and cooking your favourite meal together

b. A candle-lit dinner in a restaurantromance

c. McDonalds and then a film


2. Which is the most romantic to you?

a. A moonlit walk on a beach

b. Going to the movies

c. Watching your favourite soap opera on TV together



3. What’s the perfect Valentine’s gift for your partner?

a. Me, of course

b. A box of chocolates and flowers

c. A surprise weekend by the sea


4. Do you believe in love at first sight?

a. Yes

b. I used to

c. No



5. When you send flowers, do you ...

a. order a dozen red roses?

b. have a bouquet made up in your partner’s favourite colours?

c. buy a bunch at the supermarket checkout counter?


6. Your partner is coming to dinner. What music do you put on in the background?

a. Classical

b. Romantic movie theme tunes

c. Drum ‘n’ bass



7. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?

a. The Football World Cup Finals

b. Disneyland

c. Paris

8. What have you done with your old Valentine cards?

a. Kept them all

b. Kept a few special ones

c. Thrown them all away


