Műveltetés - Causative mood - Make sentences

Complete the sentences using the words given.

1.        He has paid a professional to train his dog for him.

trained       He ………………………………. by a professional.nyelvtani szabályok műveltetés


2.        His nose was broken in a fight.

had             He ……………………………………..... in a fight.


3.        She hired a famous photographer to take her son’s picture.

had              She ……………………………… her son’s picture.


4.        He will have someone at the garage to respray his car.

get               He …………………………………… at the garage.causative műveltetés gyakorlás


5.        The hairdresser is dyeing Ann’s hair.

dyed            Ann …………………………….. by the hairdresser.


6.         They stayed in the tent because the children wanted to.

made           The children …………………………… in the tent.


7.        We persuaded our neighbour to water our plants while we were away.

got             We …………………………….. while we were away.

salary causative műveltetés gyakorlás


8.        He took the job only because of the high salary.

take              Only …………………………………… the job


9.        Someone stole her bag on the street.

got              She……………………………………. on the street.


10.  Jim is the one, who makes the paper work for me.

have            I ………………….…………. the paperwork for me.



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