Present Simple or Continuous? Exercise answers
Present Simple or Continuous?
Cuckoos don't build nests. They use the nests of other birds.
You can’t see Tom now: he is having a bath.
What does she do in the evenings? – She usually plays cards or watches TV.
I won’t go out now as it is raining and I don't have an umbrella.
How do you get to work as a rule? – I usually go by bus but tomorrow I'm going in Tom’s car.
What does Tom think of the Budget? – He thinks it most unfair. I agree with him.
I'm going to my dentist tomorrow.
Can you see my car keys anywhere? – No, I' looking for them but I can't see them. *
Stop! Don't you see the notice? – I see but I can’t read it because I' not wearing my glassses.*
My brother is released on Tuesday. I'm meeting him outside the prison.
* az érzékelést jelentő igékkel általában a can-t használjuk, de nyelvtanilag a do is helyes.