
What your body can do...

Three answers are correct but one is not. Find the wrong answer for each quiz question:

You can do this to your legs:

a) hurt them

b) stretch them

c) break themstretch your leg

d) throw them


You can do this to your arms:

a) bend them

b) fold them

c) shut them

d) raise them


You can do this to your knees:

a) bend them

b) cut them

c) clap them

tilt your head

d) scratch them


You can do this to your head:

a) fold it

b) scratch it

c) shake it

d) tilt it

You can do this to your fingers:

a) bend them

b) cross them

c) shut them

d) point them



You can do this to your eyes:

a) open them

b) shut them

c) bend them

d) wink them


